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Night Guards

Beachwood, OH

close up woman placing clear aligners in Beachwood

Bruxism is a condition that often results in grinding your teeth while you sleep or clenching your jaw tightly. This can greatly damage your teeth in a number of ways. If you suffer from bruxism, you may need to wear a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth. Here at Aspire Dental Spa, we can create a custom mouthguard that will reduce damage to your teeth and repair any damage that has already been done to your teeth.

What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition that is typically caused by stress. Your body reacts to being stressed by clenching your jaw or by grinding your teeth together while you sleep. Often, people who experience bruxism are not conscious of the fact that they are grinding their teeth at night. They simply begin waking up with a sore jaw or other pain in their face. If you have experienced this soreness, please mention it to us at your next cleaning. We will carefully look at your teeth for signs of wear to determine if you are suffering from bruxism.

How Does A Mouthguard Help With Bruxism?

A night mouthguard is typically worn on your lower teeth, though some of our patients may also need to wear an upper nightguard at times. Wearing a mouthguard while you sleep will protect your teeth from the damage that bruxism can do to them. Grinding your teeth while you sleep will slowly begin to wear them down. As more and more of the enamel is worn away, your teeth change shape. This will eventually affect your bite.

If you clench your jaw while you sleep, the pressure that puts on your teeth can even lead to a tooth cracking or breaking. In some extreme cases, bruxism can lead to tooth loss. A mouthguard protects your teeth from being worn down by putting a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. This barrier also absorbs some of the pressure from clenching your jaw.

It is important to note that a mouthguard only protects against the symptoms of bruxism. It will not cure bruxism or stop it from occurring. For that, you have to get to the root cause of the condition. Since bruxism is often caused by stress, you will need to address the source of that stress in order to stop your bruxism from occurring.

Types Of Mouthguards For Bruxism

There are a few different types of mouthguards that you can use at night. A soft guard works well if you have mild bruxism, or bruxism that comes and goes. These soft guards are comfortable, but they are not as durable as some other options and typically must be replaced fairly often.

Another option that will last longer is a dual laminate guard. These guards have a hard exterior and help for those who have more severe bruxism. However, because they are thicker, they are not as comfortable.

The most rigid type of night mouthguard is a hard guard. These guards are normally only used by those who have very severe bruxism that is greatly damaging their teeth. They are quite durable and provide a great amount of protection, but they are not particularly comfortable.

Do You Need A Mouthguard?

If you suffer from bruxism or believe you may be experiencing symptoms of the condition, you may need a mouthguard. Call Aspire Dental Spa at (216) 342-4388 today to discuss your symptoms and make an appointment.